Leidse masterstudent kraakt epigenetische klok die leeftijd voorspelt – nieuwsbericht LUMC 14-01-2022
Onderzoekers kunnen aan de hand van de afstelling van het DNA nauwkeurig vaststellen hoe oud iemand is. Daarvoor gebruiken ze een zogeheten epigenetische klok. Masterstudent Thomas Jonkman heeft nu, negen jaar na de ontdekking, [...]
High-impact FN1 mutation decreases chondrogenic potential and affects cartilage deposition via decreased binding to collagen type II
High-impact FN1 mutation decreases chondrogenic potential and affects cartilage deposition via decreased binding to collagen type II I| November 5 - 2021 | Science Advances Marcella van Hoolwerff, Alejandro Rodríguez Ruiz, Marga Bouma, H. Eka D. [...]
Accepted manuscript: Long non-coding RNA expression profiling of subchondral bone reveals AC005165.1 modifying FRZB expression during osteoarthritis
Long non-coding RNA expression profiling of subchondral bone reveals AC005165.1 modifying FRZB expression during osteoarthritis | November 3 2021 | Rheumatology - https://doi.org/10.1093/rheumatology/keab826 Margo Tuerlings, Marcella van Hoolwerff, Jessica M van Bokkum, H Eka D Suchiman, Nico Lakenberg, Demiën Broekhuis, Rob G H [...]
Fibronectin binding to collagen type II is crucial for articular chondrocytes to stay in a healthy steady state
Marcella's latest publication in Science Advances is out now! Science Advances published the work of Marcella van Hoolwerff et al, where a high impact mutation was identified by exome sequencing in FN1 in affected [...]
Functional Changes of T-Cell Subsets with Age and CMV Infection
Hassouneh F, Goldeck D, Pera A, van Heemst D, Slagboom PE, Pawelec G, Solana R. | September 15th 2021 | Int J Mol Sci. 2021 Sep 15;22(18):9973. doi: 10.3390/ijms22189973. Abstract Cytomegalovirus (CMV) latent infection [...]
Deciphering osteoarthritis genetics across 826,690 individuals from 9 populations
Deciphering osteoarthritis genetics across 826,690 individuals from 9 populations | September 2021 | Cell Cindy G.Boer, KonstantinosHatzikotoulas, LorraineSoutham, LiljaStefánsdóttir, YanfeiZhang, RodrigoCoutinho de Almeida, Tian T.Wu, JieZheng, AprilHartley, MarisTeder-Lavin, Anne HeidiSkogholt, ChikashiTerao, EleniZengini, GeorgeAlexiadis AndreiBarysenka, [...]