The bone and cartilage interplay in osteoarthritis: key to effective treatment strategy
Margo Tuerlings | 27-09-2023 | The bone and cartilage interplay in osteoarthritis: key to effective treatment strategy. Osteoarthritis (OA) is a prevalent age-related joint disease, determined by diverse changes in pathways maintaining articular cartilage [...]
Dissecting cellular function of fibronectin in osteoarthritic cartilage
Marcella van Hoolwerff | 06-09-2022 | Dissecting cellular function of fibronectin in osteoarthritic cartilage The aim of this thesis was to combine transcriptomics, genetics and human disease modelling to obtain further insight into molecular [...]
A word of caution on the regression to the mean phenomenon in (biological) age prediction
A word of caution on the regression to the mean phenomenon in (biological) age prediction When predicting ‘biological age’, always consider whether regression to the mean could be an issue before drawing [...]
Doe mee aan de gratis mini-cursus ‘Vitaal en gezond ouder worden’
Doe mee aan de gratis mini-cursus ‘Vitaal en gezond ouder worden’ Wat is veroudering eigenlijk? Komt er straks een anti-verouderingspil? Hoeveel moet ik bewegen en wat kan ik het beste eten? In de gratis [...]
1H-NMR metabolomics-based surrogates to impute common clinical risk factors and endpoints
1H-NMR metabolomics-based surrogates to impute common clinical risk factors and endpoints | 2022 Jan;75:103764 | EBioMedicine | doi: 10.1016/j.ebiom.2021.103764 Bizzarri D, Reinders MJT, Beekman M, Slagboom PE, BBMRI-NL, van den Akker EB. Abstract Background: Missing or [...]
A human in vitro 3D neo-cartilage model to explore the response of OA risk genes to hyper-physiological mechanical stress
A human in vitro 3D neo-cartilage model to explore the response of OA risk genes to hyper-physiological mechanical stress | Osteoarthritis and Cartilage Open| 4(1) (2022) 100231 | doi: 10.1016/j.ocarto.2021.100231 R.G.M. Timmermans, N.G.C. Bloks, [...]