Outcome of osteoarthritis and arthroplasty from patient perspective to molecular profiling.
Jennifer Meessen | 26-09-2019 | Outcome of osteoarthritis and arthroplasty from patient perspective to molecular profiling With increasing life expectancy, the incidence and burden of osteoarthritis on society increases. Currently, no treatment for end-stage [...]
On the relation between genetic variation and osteoarthritis
Wouter den Hollander | 29-03-2018 | On the relation between genetic variation and osteoarthritis In dit proefschrift worden de moleculaire mechanismen behandeld die onderliggend zijn aan artrose. Specifiek wordt genoomwijd onderzocht welke genen anders tot [...]
Robust semi-supervised learning: projections, limits & constraints
Jesse Krijthe | 07-01-2018 | Robust semi-supervised learning: projections, limits & constraints In many domains of science and society, the amount of data being gathered is increasing rapidly. To estimate input-output relationships that are [...]
Charting the dynamic methylome across the human lifespan
Roderik Slieker | 09-02-2017 | Charting the dynamic methylome across the human lifespan In this thesis we aimed to get insight in how the methylome is established during development and subsequently degenerates during ageing [...]
Thyroid hormone signalling in Osteoarthritis: early life events in late life disease
Niels Bömer | 17-01-2017 | Thyroid hormone signalling in Osteoarthritis: early life events in late life disease The lifespan of an organism is determined by a complex network of environmental-, genetic- and stochastic factors. Each of [...]
Algorithms for the Description of Molecular Sequences
Jonathan Vis | 21-12-2016 | Algorithms for the Description of Molecular Sequences Unambiguous sequence variant descriptions are important in reporting the outcome of clinical diagnostic DNA tests. The standard nomenclature of the Human Genome Variation Society [...]