Nature Reviews Cardiology publicatie over T cellen in atherosclerose
Nature Reviews Cardiology publiceerde een artikel over het effect van vetzuren op T cellen en de implicaties voor atherosclerose onder leiding van LUMC-onderzoekers Wouter Jukema (Cardiologie) en Bas Heijmans (Biomedische Datawetenschappen). ‘Het is [...]
Cartilage from human-induced pluripotent stem cells: comparison with neo-cartilage from chondrocytes and bone marrow mesenchymal stromal cells
Cartilage from human-induced pluripotent stem cells: comparison with neo-cartilage from chondrocytes and bone marrow mesenchymal stromal cells | July 2021 | Alejandro Rodríguez Ruiz, Amanda Dicks, Margo Tuerlings, Koen Schepers, Melissa van Pel, Rob [...]
Improved Sézary cell detection and novel insights into immunophenotypic and molecular heterogeneity in Sézary syndrome
Improved Sézary cell detection and novel insights into immunophenotypic and molecular heterogeneity in Sézary syndrome | July 2021 | Safa Najidh, Cornelis P Tensen, Alita J. van der Sluijs-Gelling, Cristina Teodosio, Davy Cats, Hailiang Mei, Thomas B. [...]
Family matters: a genealogical inquiry into the familial component of longevity
Niels van den Berg | 22-01-2020 | Family matters: a genealogical inquiry into the familial component of longevity Identifying genes that code for proteins associated to longevity is an important aspect of aging research. These [...]
From correlation to causation: Data-driven exploration of transcriptional regulation using population genomics
René Luijk | 16-10-2019 |A Study into Genes Encoding Longevity in Humans In this thesis, we aimed to better understand how genetic variation affect the processes underlying health and disease, as trait-associated genetic variants [...]