Discovering fiber type architecture over the entire muscle using data-driven analysis
Discovering fiber type architecture over the entire muscle using data-driven analysis | June 2021 | Cytometry A Bindellini D, Voortman LM, Olie Cyriel S, van Putten M, van den Akker EB, Raz V. Abstract [...]
Population matched (pm) germline allelic variants of immunoglobulin (IG) loci: Relevance in infectious diseases and vaccination studies in human populations
Population matched (pm) germline allelic variants of immunoglobulin (IG) loci: Relevance in infectious diseases and vaccination studies in human populations | Genes Immun | July 2021 Khatri I, Berkowska MA, van den Akker EB, [...]
Dynamic clonal hematopoiesis and functional T-cell immunity in a supercentenarian
Dynamic clonal hematopoiesis and functional T-cell immunity in a supercentenarian | July 2021 | Leukemia. 2020 van den Akker EB, Makrodimitris S, Hulsman M, Brugman MH, Nikolic T, Bradley T, Waisfisz Q, Baas F, [...]
Genomic and phenotypic insights from an atlas of genetic effects on DNA methylation.
Genomic and phenotypic insights from an atlas of genetic effects on DNA methylation | September 2021 |Nature Genetics Josine L Min, Gibran Hemani, Eilis Hannon, Koen F Dekkers, Juan Castillo-Fernandez, René Luijk, ................................., Tom R Gaunt, Jordana T Bell, Bastiaan T Heijmans, Jonathan Mill, Caroline [...]
Association of Thyroid Dysfunction With Cognitive Function: An Individual Participant Data Analysis
Association of Thyroid Dysfunction With Cognitive Function: An Individual Participant Data Analysis | August 2021 | JAMA Internal Medicin Nicolien A van Vliet, Diana van Heemst, Osvaldo P Almeida, Bjørn O Åsvold, Carole E Aubert, Jong Bin Bae, Linda E Barnes, Douglas [...]
Cripto favors chondrocyte hypertrophy via TGF-β SMAD1/5 signaling during development of osteoarthritis
Cripto favors chondrocyte hypertrophy via TGF-β SMAD1/5 signaling during development of osteoarthritis | August 2021 | The Journal of Pathology Amaya Garcia de Vinuesa, Gonzalo Sanchez-Duffhues, Esmeralda Blaney-Davidson, Arjan van Caam, Kirsten Lodder, Yolande Ramos, Margreet Kloppenburg, Ingrid Meulenbelt, Peter van der [...]