Genetic and biomarker studies of human longevity
Joris Deelen |25-06-2014 | Genetic and biomarker studies of human longevity The aim of this thesis was to identify novel lifespan regulating loci that influence human longevity and population mortality. To this end, we [...]
Transcriptomic studies in human ageing and longevity
Willemijn Passtoors | 19-12-2013 | Transcriptomic studies in human ageing and longevity The aim of this thesis was to identify in the human blood transcriptome, relevant pathways and potential biomarker profiles that associate with [...]
Epigenetic differences after prenatal adversity: The Dutch Hunger Winter
Elmar Tobi | 29-10-2013 | Epigenetic differences after prenatal adversity: The Dutch Hunger Winter This thesis is a study on the link between early development and adult health. Studies in animal models indicate that [...]
Endocrine and metabolic features of familial longevity The Leiden Longevity Study
Maarten Rozing| 21-09-2011 | Endocrine and metabolic features of familial longevity The Leiden Longevity Study This thesis discusses the metabolic and endocrine characteristics of long-lived Dutch families. We found that familial longevity is marked [...]
Genetic determinants of eating disorders
Rita Slof-Op 't Landt| 04-12-2007 | Genetic determinants of eating disorders In this thesis, a series of studies on different aspects of the genetics of eating disorders is presented. The heritability of disordered eating [...]
Glycomics based biomarkers of the rate of aging: Development and applications of high throughput N-glycan analysis
Renée Ruhaak | 24-03-2011 | Glycomics based biomarkers of the rate of aging: Development and applications of high throughput N-glycan analysis Markers for longevity, which reflect the health condition and predict healthspan are extremely [...]