Prestigieuze ZonMw Open Competitie beurs toegekend aan het LUMC, VU en RIVM
Prestigieuze ZonMw Open Competitie beurs toegekend aan het LUMC, VU en RIVM Onze levensverwachting stijgt wereldwijd, maar de jaren die we in goede gezondheid doorbrengen blijven achter. Mensen uit langlevende families bereiken [...]
Persistent epigenetic differences associated with prenatal exposure to famine in humans
Proc Natl Acad Sci USA | November 2009 Abstract Extensive epidemiologic studies have suggested that adult disease risk is associated with adverse environmental conditions early in development. Although the mechanisms behind these relationships [...]
Identification and systematic annotation of tissue-specific differentially methylated regions using the Illumina 450k array
Epigenetics & Chromatin | Volume 6 | article numebr 26 | 06 August 2013 Abstract DNA methylation has been recognized as a key mechanism in cell differentiation. Various studies have compared tissues to [...]
Mass-spectrometric identification of carbamylated proteins present in the joints of rheumatoid arthritis patients and controls
Mass-spectrometric identification of carbamylated proteins present in the joints of rheumatoid arthritis patients and controls | Clin exp Rheumothol | May/June 2021 Marije K Verheul, George M C Janssen, Arnoud de Ru, Gerrie Stoeken-Rijsbergen, E W Nivine Levarht, Joanneke [...]
Vitamin K antagonist anticoagulant usage is associated with increased incidence and progression of osteoarthritis
The role of TNFRSF11B in development of osteoarthritic cartilage | May 2021 | Annals of the Rheumatic diseases Cindy G Boer, Ingrid Szilagyi, N Long Nguyen, Tuhina Neogi, Ingrid Meulenbelt, M Arfan Ikram, André G Uitterlinden, [...]
The role of TNFRSF11B in development of osteoarthritic cartilag
The role of TNFRSF11B in development of osteoarthritic cartilage | May 2021 | Rheumatology (Oxford) Alejandro Rodríguez Ruiz, Margo Tuerlings, Ankita Das, Rodrigo Coutinho de Almeida, H Eka Suchiman, Rob G H H Nelissen, Yolande F M Ramos, Ingrid Meulenbelt Abstract Objectives [...]