Omixer: multivariate and reproducible sample randomization to proactively counter batch effects in omics studies
Omixer: multivariate and reproducible sample randomization to proactively counter batch effects in omics studies | March 2021 | Bioinformatics Lucy Sinke, Davy Cats, Bastiaan T Heijmans Abstract Motivation: Batch effects heavily impact results in omics studies, causing [...]
Associations of Cytomegalovirus Infection With All-Cause and Cardiovascular Mortality in Multiple Observational Cohort Studies of Older Adults
Associations of Cytomegalovirus Infection With All-Cause and Cardiovascular Mortality in Multiple Observational Cohort Studies of Older Adults | February 2021 | The Journal of Infectious Diseases Sijia Chen, Graham Pawelec, Stella Trompet, David Goldeck, Laust H. Mortensen, P. [...]
The tissue-specific aspect of genome-wide DNA methylation in newborn and placental tissues: implications for epigenetic epidemiologic studies
The tissue-specific aspect of genome-wide DNA methylation in newborn and placental tissues: implications for epigenetic epidemiologic studies |February 2021|J Dev Orig Health Dis Emilie M Herzog 1, Alex J Eggink, Sten P Willemsen, Roderick C Slieker, Janine F Felix, Andrew [...]
Reply to ‘Early-life exposure to the Chinese Famine and subsequent T2DM’
Reply to 'Early-life exposure to the Chinese Famine and subsequent T2DM' | February 2021 | Nature reviews endocrinology Chihua Li, Elmar W Tobi, Bastiaan T Heijmans, L H Lumey
Respiratory distress syndrome and bronchopulmonary dysplasia after fetal growth restriction: Lessons from a natural experiment in identical twins
Respiratory distress syndrome and bronchopulmonary dysplasia after fetal growth restriction: Lessons from a natural experiment in identical twins | February 2021 | E Clinical Medicine Sophie G.Groene, Jip A.Spekman, Arjan B.te Pas, Bastiaan T.Heijmans, Monique [...]
Variants of FOXO3 and RPA3 genes affecting IGF-1 levels alter the risk of development of primary osteoarthritis
Variants of FOXO3 and RPA3 genes affecting IGF-1 levels alter the risk of development of primary osteoarthritis | January 2021 | European Journal of Endocrinology I C M Pelsma, K M J A Claessen, P E [...]