

Shared genetic risk between eating disorder- and substance-use-related phenotypes: Evidence from genome-wide association studies

Shared genetic risk between eating disorder- and substance-use-related phenotypes: Evidence from genome-wide association studies | January 26 2021 | Addiction Biology Melissa A Munn-Chernoff, Emma C Johnson, Yi-Ling Chou, Jonathan R I Coleman, Laura M Thornton, [...]

februari 9th, 2021|Categories: Papers artrose|

Variants of FOXO3 and RPA3 genes affecting IGF-1 levels alter the risk of development of primary osteoarthritis

Variants of FOXO3 and RPA3 genes affecting IGF-1 levels alter the risk of development of primary osteoarthritis | January 2021 | European Journal of Endocrinology I C M Pelsma , K M J A Claessen, P E [...]

januari 15th, 2021|Categories: Papers artrose|


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