prof.dr. Eline Slagboom

Head of the department of Biomedical Data Sciences (a.i.)

Head of Section Molecular Epidemiology

  • Tel.: +31 (0) 71 526 9731


  • Department of Molecular Epidemiology
    postzone S05-P
    P.O. Box 9600
    2300 RC LEIDEN

Professor P. Eline Slagboom obtained her master’s degree in biology in 1987 and her postdoctoral degree in biochemistry in 1993. Between 1993 and 2000, Slagboom was a researcher at the Department of Vascular and Connective Tissue Research at the Gaubius Laboratory, TNO Prevention and Health (TNO-PG), Netherlands. She started a genetic epidemiological research group aimed at identifying genetic determinants of multifactorial disorders. In 2000, she received an NWO program grant from the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO)and was appointed professor of Molecular Epidemiology at the Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC). She founded a new Molecular Epidemiology section (Molepi)  (Molepi) and the genotyping center (staff now 30 FTE).

Over the past 10 years, the focus of research has been to use omics data (genetic, transcriptomic, epigenetic, glycomic, metabolic data) in molecular epidemiological studies to find biomarkers of aging and age-related diseases in human cohorts and to understand the pathways behind these complex properties. to understand. For this purpose, a diversity of human cohorts with unique study designs are analyzed. These cohorts include the Dutch Hunger Winter Study cohort to investigate the late consequences of prenatal exposure under adverse conditions.

Slagboom is one of the co-founders of aging research within the LUMC supported by various foundations through the Netherlands Genomics Initiative (NGI). She initiated both the Leiden Longevity Study (in collaboration with Professor RGJ Westendorp) and the osteoarthritis progression study (GARP: Genetics, Arthrosis and Progression) study (in collaboration with Dr Ingrid Meulenbelt and Professor M. Kloppenburg) and is principal investigator (PI) of these. studies. Slagboom has also started Molecular Epidemiology and Bioinformatics and gives master classes within this field.

In addition, Slagboom is a member of many national reading committees, including the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO) interdisciplinary VIDI committee (2007-2010), Dutch Heart Foundation Scientific Advisory Committee (2007-2011) and she is an editorial board member of the scientific journal “Aging Cell ”. She has a leading role in large consortia within aging research such as the “Netherlands Consortium for Healthy Aging” (NCHA) as scientific director in which she has established collaborative research with industry, and in the steering group or as a member of large-scale joint research projects EU (Treat ~ OA, GEHA and LifeSpan). P. Eline Slagboom is PI of a new large-scale collaborative EU project that started in 2011 (IDEALIntegrated research on DEvelopmental determinants of Ageing and Longevity) and of a “Biobanking and Biomolecular Research Infrastructure” (BBMRI) Regenboog project on Metabolomics.

download CV Eline Slagboom (in het engels)

Supervision scientific research and PhD students

Dr Daniele Bizzarri, proefschrift titel ‘Metabolomics- and methylomics-based predictors for estimating health and biological aging.

Dr Niels van den Berg, proefschrift titel ‘Family matters: a genealogical inquiry into the familial component of longevity

Dr Wouter den Hollander, proefschrift titel ‘On the relation between genetic variation and osteoarthritis
Dr Jesse Krijthe, proefschrift titel ‘Robust Semi-supervised Learning: Projections, Limits & Constraints

Dr Roderick Slieker, proefschrift titel ‘Charting the dynamic methylome across the human lifespan
Dr Nils Bömer, proefschrift titel ‘Thyroid hormone signalling in Osteoarthritis

Dr Jonathan K Vis, proefschrift titel ‘Algorithms for the description of molecular sequences

Dr Yolande Ramos, proefschrift titel: ‘Osteoarthritis, a degenerative disease of the articular joints: towards the implementation of functional genomics in OA
Dr Jenny van Dongen, proefschrift titel: ‘(Epi) genetics and twins‘  (cum laude).
Dr Erik van den Akker, proefschrift titel: ‘Computational Biology in Human Aging – An Omics Data Integration Approach‘ in 2015
Dr Rudolf Talens, proefschrift titel: ‘Studies into epigenetic variation and its contribution to cardiovascular disease‘ in 2015


Dr Joris Deelen, proefschrift titel: ‘Genetic and biomarker studies of human longevity‘ (cum laude).
Dr Anika Vaarhorst, proefschrift titel: ‘Genetic and Metabolomic approaches for Coronary Heart Disease risk prediction‘ in 2014


Dr Willemijn Passtoors, proefschrift titel: ‘Transcriptomic studies in human ageing and longevity
Dr Elmar Tobi, proefschrift titel: ‘Epigenetic differences after prenatal adversity : the Dutch hunger winter

Dr Maarten Rozing, proefschrift titel: ‘Endocrine and metabolic features of familial longevity The Leiden Longevity Study
Dr Rita Slof-Op ‘t Landt, proefschrift titel: ‘Genetic Determinants of Eating Disorders
Dr Renee Ruhaak, proefschrift titel: ‘Glycomics based biomarkers of the rate of aging: development and applications of high-throughput N-glycan analysis

Dr Steffan Bos, proefschrift titel: ‘Genes and mediators of inflammation and development in osteoarthritis

Dr Maris Kuningas, proefschrift titel: ‘A Study into Genes Encoding Longevity in Humans
Dr Josine Min, proefschrift titel: ‘Generalised osteoarthritis: from mendelian disorder to complex disease’ in 2007.

Dr Naghmeh Riyazi, proefschrift titel: ‘Familial osteoarthritis. Risk factors and determinants of outcome’ in 2006.

Dr Behrooz Alizadeh, proefschrift titel: ’Osteoarthritis and hemochromatosis, a genetic epidemiological study’ in 2005.

Dr Marian Beekman, proefschrift titel: ‘Towards mapping QTLs influencing parameters of Lipid Metabolism in Human Twins’ in 2004.


Dr Bas Heijmans, proefschrift titel: ‘Common Gene Variants and Mortality in the Population at Large’

Dr Casper Bijkerk, proefschrift titel: ‘Genetic epidemiology of osteoarthritis‘ in 1999.

Dr Ingrid Meulenbelt, proefschrift titel: ‘Genetic Predisposing Factors Of Osteoarthritis’ in 1997.