Post doctoral courses
Post doctoral courses
The Molecular Epidemiology department regularly offers specific conferences or lectures. During these meetings, various themes are discussed and are intended for a large and general audience. Interested parties are invited to attend these meetings.
The department also organizes Boerhaave and MGC courses regularly, discussing topics in Medical and Biostatistics for the benefit of a general postgraduate and adult audience.
129 / 5000 Vertaalresultaten Stay informed and check the agenda of future courses in this area and check the Boerhaave and MGC web pages.
76 / 5000 Vertaalresultaten In addition to all these activities, the department supports an active AIO programme. For more information, please see the postgraduate training and research pages.
These courses are organized by Boerhaave .

Training and Study Programs
The Molecular Epidemiology department teaches or participates in various (bio)medical training curricula. We also provide courses for medical researchers and students of the “Masterplus” honors programme. These courses are also open to researchers from outside the LUMC.
We offer various possibilities for internships and master graduation projects for the students of Medicine, Biomedical Sciences, (Medical) Biology, Life Science & Technology and similar training programs. HBO students can also participate in similar projects.
Contactperson is Prof. Dr. Eline Slagboom
Extra curricualar activities
Help with research skills – Profile paper
A few years ago, the profile assignment (PWS) was made compulsory at all secondary schools in the Netherlands. Een belangrijk onderdeel van het PWS is het doen van onderzoek. This is a golden opportunity for a scientific institute like the LUMC. After all, the cradle of science lies in secondary education.
But how do you come up with research? What is a good research question?
Every year, many students report to the LUMC with these and other questions. This was the reason for prof.dr. Prof. Dr. Eline Slagboom to develop a tool that can offer help. For more information, visit Profielwerkstuk/
The step-by-step plan has been developed to clarify the start, design and execution of research and is described in detail in the manual that has been developed. In the manual the different steps are explained on the basis of short film fragments. Molecular Epidemiology has made a promotional videofor this training program!
For questions about this step-by-step plan, send an email