Naghmeh Riyazi | 22-11-2006 | Familial osteorarthritis : risk factors and determinants of outcome

Osteoarthritis (OA) refers to a heterogeneous group of conditions. This thesis focuses on OA with a hereditary background; Familial OA at multiple joint sites and radiological hand OA at middle age. The main objective is to identify risk factors that play a role in the development of OA in order to gain further insight in the aetiology of OA. The secondary objective is to investigate factors that determine the outcome in OA. This thesis provides evidence that familial clustering of symptomatic OA is most prominent for hand and hip OA. In search for genetic risk factors, we present data suggesting that a proportion of the genetic susceptibility for OA at multiple sites is encoded by variation in innate cytokine activity. Further, we find HLA-DR antigens to be associated with radiological hand OA. In addition to genetic risk factors, this thesis demonstrates that other systemic risk factors such as hormonal status and local factors, to be important in the susceptibility of familial OA at multiple sites, underscoring the multicausal etioliology of this phenotype. Finally, this thesis addresses the resulting disability from OA. Using the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health as framework, we show illness perceptions and mental health to be important modifying factors in OA in the hands and lower extremities.

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